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About the Department

The Department of Chemistry came into existence in July 1960 and ever since its inception has been at the forefront of higher education and research in Rajasthan. It is the largest Department in the University of Rajasthan providing a platform with an enriching academic atmosphere to students for realizing the goals of quality enhancement and diverse opportunities in cutting-edge sustainable research. With Dr.(Mrs.) Asha Jain as present Head of the Department, current faculty strength includes eleven Associate Professors and thirty -seven Assistant Professors, who strive to foster an academic environment that provides holistic and value-based quality education leading to the overall development of the students. Department offers M.Sc. (Chemistry) and Ph.D. courses at University campus. In addition, Chemistry is offered as one of the major elective subjects in B.Sc. Pass and B.Sc. Honors courses at Universities' two constituent Colleges. Majority of PG students qualify NET/GATE examination and successfully compete in national level tests for placement in ONGC, NTPC, GSI, BARC, ISRO, DRDO, Forensic Research Laboratories, CSIR Laboratories, Petroleum companies, Pharmaceutical R&D sector, etc. After the successful implementation of six phases of UGC's DSA-SAP program for 33 years, the Department was recognized as the Centre for Advanced Studies in Chemistry in 2005. Under UGC (SAP)-CAS program a large number of academic activities such as Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, and Extension Lectures by Eminent Scientists/Academicians have been organized regularly. The Department has been a recipient of the major equipment grants under FIST program of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of ndia, and BSR grant of the UGC. The department focuses on providing a choice of elective courses as per the updated teaching curriculum. It provides an opportunity to undertake research projects to PG students and advanced research facilities to researchers for working in the frontier areas of chemistry and its interface with allied disciplines. Majority of research and PG laboratories have been renovated with modern infrastructure. The Department is well equipped for research facilities that include sophisticated instruments, viz., FT-IR Spectrometer, UV-Visible Spectrometer, Electrochemical Analyzer, Semi-preparative HPLC, Fluorescence spectrometer, Microwave Synthesizer, Surface Area and Porosity Analyzer, Benchtop NMR, ICP-OES, Digital Spectrophotometer, Polarograph, Rotavapor, Basic Electrochemical System, Polarimeter, COD Digestion Apparatus, Incubator, Autoclave, etc. Many Faculty members receive financial support for research from various Government funding agencies including SERB-DST, CSIR, UGC, DAE, ICMR, etc. Collaborative interdisciplinary research projects are also being carried out simultaneously. Research accomplishments of the Department are reflected by an impressive publications record and a significant number of completed and ongoing projects. Most of the research work has been published in refereed journals of international repute having high impact factor. The Department is acknowledged for high-quality research at National as well as international level

Ph.D. Programme :

Thrust Areas

  • Biologically Important Heterocycles
  • Biochemistry, Biomedicine, and Biomaterials
  • Coordination and Bio-inorganic Chemistry
  • Corrosion Science and Electronics
  • Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling
  • Green Chemistry and Environmental Science
  • Material Science and Nanotechnologyt
  • Natural Products and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • New Synthetic Approaches, Reagents, and Catalysis
  • Organometallic and metalloorganic Chemistry
  • Photo and Electrochemistry
  • Reaction Dynamics and Electrochemistry
  • Renewable Energy and Energy Storage